
It was by chance that I discovered Lucie’s webpage shortly after her inauguration. Her approach, the description of her personality and her pictures quickly seduced me, but I was missing some information before proceeding to the next step. So I communicated with her by email and her response was very satisfying, quick and with a hint of flirting, it immediately won my heart. I asked Lucie for a date within a few days for an adventure in a few weeks, her response was positive and full of promise.

​Finally, I’m just back from my adventure with Lucie practically without words to describe this wonderful afternoon spent with her.

​Lucie and I had planned a fun activity before moving on to more intimate moments. During this activity, we chatted on several topics and she candidly admitted to me that she was just starting out in the profession. I immediately thought of turning back, but I stayed and I wasn’t going to regret it! I knew how well I would be in Lucie’s arms during the first kiss, the feeling I experienced at that time quickly made me understand how well our adventure was going to unfold, I even had to withdraw for a moment to come to my senses. Since I’m not the type to kiss and tell, I’ll leave to your imagination how this afternoon unfolded, suffice to say that it was over way too quickly.

Before leaving her, I took a next Rendez-vous with her, and I left feeling lighter and with a big smile on my face.

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